May 23-24-25-26, 2014
Near the Warren sewage ponds, May 26
It took nothing less than a ruptured natural gas pipeline to finally get in our way during this surprisingly successful MBWeekend. After all, Saturday's temperatures in the low 90s failed to prevent us from finding an impressive variety of species in Kittson County, and a rainy Sunday afternoon in Roseau Co didn't really stop us from birding as it produced a small fallout of warblers at Roseau City Park. And even though our plans to check the usually-productive Warren sewage ponds on Monday were foiled, the spectacular fireball did allow us to devote our undivided attention to the nearby Agassiz impoundment east of town.
In all during these three-and-a-half days in this remote corner of the state, we came up with an impressive and unexpected total of 186 species, which I believe is the third-highest tally ever for any MBWeekend! To be honest, I was hardly optimistic about our prospects since so many migrant passerines had yet to show up in this part of the state earlier in the week. But arrive they did in the nick of time as evidenced by our 22 warbler species, a total difficult to reach anywhere in western Minnesota. And even better was our list of 25 shorebirds, mostly due to the drawn-down pool at the Crookston sewage ponds (which alone held 19 species) and those seemingly endless flooded fields parallel to the Roseau River.
Among the warblers, the best ones were probably the singing Golden-winged near Lake Bronson, late Orange-crowneds and Palms, a Mourning at Roseau City Park, plus the Cape May, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, lots of Blackpolls, and our first Canada all at Lake Bronson State Park. Of the shorebirds, that distant and obscure Red Knot was certainly the rarest of them all, but also memorable there in the mudflats along Roseau Co Rd 3 (a mere 3 miles from Badger, allegedly!), were both an American Golden- and several Black-bellied plovers, Hudsonian Godwits (also at Crookston and elsewhere – I suspect I've never seen so many in the state), Ruddy Turnstones, and at least 20 Sanderlings (an unusual number away from Lake Superior).
The Great Gray Owl nest (spotted by Herb) certainly ranks near the top of our long list of highlights, as we scoped the apparently incubating female coping with the 90-degree heat and representing a first county nesting record. Just as memorable was that most unexpected Snowy Egret at the Agassiz impoundment on Monday morning which challenged county listers to properly list it in either Marshall or Polk county (or both!). This site also provided our list with the only Red-necked Grebe and Common Tern, several Great Egrets, and that thicket near the exit simultaneously held 4 species of Empidonax flycatchers plus a Canada and other warblers.
Gallinaceous birds also made news. Pairs of Gray Partridge (a species we seldom see any more on MBWs) were actually spotted twice on Monday: just a block or so from the Warren DQ, and then at the Crookston sewage ponds. Wild Turkeys of apparently natural provenance were spotted in both Kittson and Roseau counties, far north of where they would be expected. Even more intriguing were the probable sightings of fly-by Greater Prairie-Chickens along Kittson Co Rd 8 by my group and Roseau Co Rd 4 by Craig's. While it's possible that we had misleading views of what looked like short, rounded tails, there is at least one recent and reliable prairie-chicken record south of Badger (in 2003 by Peder Svingen) plus other unconfirmed sightings near Greenbush.
Bird List
• P = Polk Co, May 23 or 26 (including 117 species on Friday's pre-MBW)
• K = Kittson Co, May 24, 25, or 26
• R = Roseau Co, May 25
• M = Marshall Co, May 26 (partial list only)
• M/P = on or near county line at the Agassiz impoundment
Snow Goose K (late blue-morph at Hallock's sewage ponds)
Canada Goose P K R
Trumpeter Swan P K
Tundra Swan R (late-lingering pair at the Red Knot site)
Wood Duck P K R
Gadwall P K R
American Wigeon K R
Mallard P K R
Blue-winged Teal P K R
Northern Shoveler P K R
Northern Pintail P K R
Green-winged Teal P K R
Canvasback P K R
Redhead P K R
Ring-necked Duck P K R
Greater Scaup R (Roseau and Greenbush sewage ponds)
Lesser Scaup P K R
Bufflehead R
Hooded Merganser P K R
Ruddy Duck K M/P
Gray Partridge P M (seldom found on MBWs)
Ruffed Grouse K
Sharp-tailed Grouse K (Co Rd 8)
Greater Prairie-Chicken P K R (at Glacial Ridge for sure; see summary)
Wild Turkey K R (countable or local releases?)
Common Loon P K M/P
Pied-billed Grebe K R
Red-necked Grebe M/P (Agassiz impoundment)
Eared Grebe P K R
Western Grebe R M/P
Double-crested Cormorant P K M/P
American White Pelican P R
American Bittern K
Least Bittern K (found by Craig's group at Twin Lakes WMA)
Great Blue Heron K M/P
Great Egret K M/P
Snowy Egret M/P (nice spotting, Denny)
Green Heron K R
Turkey Vulture K R
Osprey K R
Bald Eagle P K R
Northern Harrier P K R
Cooper's Hawk R
Red-tailed Hawk P K R
Virginia Rail P K
Sora P K R
American Coot P K R
Sandhill Crane P K R
Black-bellied Plover P K R
American Golden-Plover R (only one near the knot?)
Semipalmated Plover P R
Killdeer P K R
Spotted Sandpiper P K R
Greater Yellowlegs P R
Lesser Yellowlegs P R
Upland Sandpiper P K R
Hudsonian Godwit P K R (impressive numbers!)
Marbled Godwit P K R
Ruddy Turnstone P K R
Red Knot R (first spotted by Denny; a challenge to find and identify)
Stilt Sandpiper P (Crookston sewage ponds only)
Sanderling P R (especially at the knot site)
Dunlin P K R (many)
Baird's Sandpiper K (Hallock sewage ponds)
Least Sandpiper P K R
White-rumped Sandpiper P K R (100s probably seen)
Pectoral Sandpiper P K R
Semipalmated Sandpiper P R
Short-billed Dowitcher P R
Wilson's Snipe P K R
American Woodcock K (Larry showed us a female on nest)
Wilson's Phalarope P K R
Red-necked Phalarope P K R (several sites)
Bonaparte's Gull P R
Franklin's Gull P K R
Ring-billed Gull P K R
Black Tern P K R
Common Tern M/P (Agassiz impoundment)
Forster's Tern P
Rock Pigeon P K R
Mourning Dove P K R
Great Gray Owl K (atypical nest in aspens)
Common Nighthawk K
Chimney Swift P K R
Ruby-throated Hummingbird P K R
Belted Kingfisher K R
Red-headed Woodpecker P K R
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker P K R
Downy Woodpecker P K R
Hairy Woodpecker P K R
Northern Flicker P K R
Pileated Woodpecker K
American Kestrel P K R
Merlin K (near Caribou)
Peregrine Falcon P R (4 individuals, all at/near sewage ponds)
Olive-sided Flycatcher K
Eastern Wood-Pewee K R
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher P K (incl Agassiz impoundment thicket)
Alder Flycatcher P (call notes in same thicket; also silent "Traill's" seen in K and R)
Willow Flycatcher P (also singing in same thicket)
Least Flycatcher P K R
Eastern Phoebe K R
Great Crested Flycatcher K R
Western Kingbird P K (Glacial Ridge, near Hallock, pair in Kennedy)
Eastern Kingbird P K R
Yellow-throated Vireo P K R
Blue-headed Vireo P K
Warbling Vireo P K R
Philadelphia Vireo R (Roseau City Park)
Red-eyed Vireo K R
Blue Jay P K R
Black-billed Magpie P K R
American Crow P K R
Common Raven P K R
Horned Lark P K M
Purple Martin P K
Tree Swallow P K R
Northern Rough-winged Swallow K
Bank Swallow P K
Cliff Swallow P K R
Barn Swallow P K R
Black-capped Chickadee P K R
Red-breasted Nuthatch R (Roseau City Park)
White-breasted Nuthatch K R
Brown Creeper R (Pelan Park)
House Wren P K R
Sedge Wren P K R
Marsh Wren P K R
Eastern Bluebird P K R
Veery K R
Swainson's Thrush K R
American Robin P K R
Gray Catbird P K R
Brown Thrasher P K R
European Starling P K R
Cedar Waxwing P K R
Ovenbird K R
Northern Waterthrush K R
Golden-winged Warbler K (singing male by Lake Bronson)
Black-and-white Warbler K R
Tennessee Warbler P K R
Orange-crowned Warbler K R
Nashville Warbler P K R
Mourning Warbler R (Roseau City Park)
Common Yellowthroat P K R
American Redstart P K R
Cape May Warbler K (Lake Bronson State Park)
Magnolia Warbler P K R
Bay-breasted Warbler K R (best at Lake Bronson)
Blackburnian Warbler P K R
Yellow Warbler P K R
Chestnut-sided Warbler P K R
Blackpoll Warbler P K (mostly at Lake Bronson)
Palm Warbler P K
Yellow-rumped Warbler P K R
Black-throated Green Warbler K
Canada Warbler P K (best at the impoundment thicket)
Wilson's Warbler P K
Eastern Towhee K
Chipping Sparrow P K R
Clay-colored Sparrow P K R
Vesper Sparrow P K R
Lark Sparrow R (near Pelan Park)
Savannah Sparrow P K R
Grasshopper Sparrow P M (best at Glacial Ridge; also heard by Craig on Monday)
Le Conte's Sparrow P K (heard-only)
Song Sparrow P K R
Swamp Sparrow P K R
White-throated Sparrow P K R
Harris's Sparrow K (late migrant near Hallock)
Scarlet Tanager P K R
Rose-breasted Grosbeak P K R
Indigo Bunting K (seen by Deb near Hallock)
Bobolink P K R
Red-winged Blackbird P K R
Western Meadowlark P K R
Yellow-headed Blackbird P K R
Brewer's Blackbird P K R
Common Grackle P K R
Brown-headed Cowbird P K R
Orchard Oriole P K R
Baltimore Oriole P K R
House Finch K
Purple Finch K
American Goldfinch P K R
House Sparrow P K R
* * *
May 22 - 23 - 24 - 25, 2009

A Henslow's Sparrow watches a California Gull fly by.
So, just what was our final species total after all? Well, it may take a CPA to figure it all out, but I still say we finished with an even 200 species! Not only was it nice to reach such a lofty milestone, but this represents the highest total recorded on any MBW during our 24-year history. (Our previous record was 195 species back in 1997: also in NW Minn during Memorial Day Weekend.)
I suppose some would maintain that the May 22 option in Kittson Co represents a separate MBW, and they may have a point, which would mean we had "only" 193 after you subtract those 7 Kittson-only birds. (Others might want to disallow the 5 species added during the option to Otter Tail Co, although there's lots of precedence over the years for MBWs including birds seen during announced returning-home-on-the-last-afternoon options.)
But no matter what the total, it certainly added up to a most successful MBW. Aside from a windy and rainy Monday morning, the weather really cooperated: sunny skies / cool temperatures / light-to-moderate winds on Saturday-Sunday, while Friday's light intermittent showers clearly helped to ground all those migrants for us (especially warblers: 21 of our 22 species were in Kittson).
We all certainly owe Larry Wilebski a big thank-you for his hospitality at his "cabin" to see his amazing feeders and the rest of his property. As always, MBWs such as this would not be possible without Craig (he did such a great job that never once was I tempted to fire him!).
• 200 species: including all 4 days, from Kittson Co to the Lazuli Bunting
• 195 species: not including the 5 only seen by Craig et al. during the Lazuli Bunting
• 193 species: not including the 7 only seen during the Kittson Co option
• 188 species: not including either the Kittson or Lazuli options
Bird List
• K = Kittson Co / May 22
• M = Marshall Co / May 23-24
• Pe = Pennington Co / May 24
• Po = Polk Co / May 24-25
• O = Otter Tail Co / May 25 option (4 additional species only)
Snow Goose MPe
Canada Goose KMPePo
Trumpeter Swan PePo (a.k.a. White Starling)
Wood Duck KM
Gadwall KMPe
American Wigeon MPe
American Black Duck K (seems unusual in this county?)
Mallard KMPePo
Blue-winged Teal KMPePo
Northern Shoveler KMPePo
Northern Pintail KMPePo
Green-winged Teal KMPe
Canvasback KMPe
Redhead KMPe
Ring-necked Duck KMPe
Greater Scaup Pe (Thief River Falls sewage ponds)
Lesser Scaup KMPe
Bufflehead MPePo
Common Goldeneye KPe
Hooded Merganser KMPe
Ruddy Duck KMPe
Ruffed Grouse KMPe
Sharp-tailed Grouse KMPe (best looks thanks to Larry W)
Greater Prairie-Chicken Po (seen by Craig's group)
Wild Turkey M
Common Loon K
Pied-billed Grebe KM
Red-necked Grebe M
Eared Grebe KMPe
Western Grebe MPe
American White Pelican M
Double-crested Cormorant KM
American Bittern KMPe
Least Bittern M (heard-only by a few at Agassiz)
Great Blue Heron KMPe
Great Egret O (en route to the Lazuli)
Green Heron KM
Black-crowned Night-Heron M
Turkey Vulture KMPePo
Osprey KM
Bald Eagle KMPo
Northern Harrier KMPePo
Sharp-shinned Hawk KPo
Cooper's Hawk MPe
Northern Goshawk M (distant imm fly-by at Agassiz)
Broad-winged Hawk M
Red-tailed Hawk KMPePo
Rough-legged Hawk Po (very late migrant)
American Kestrel KMPe
Merlin KM (incl an apparent nesting richardsoni pair)
Peregrine Falcon M (incl one that almost caught a golden-plover)
Virginia Rail MPePo
Sora KMPePo
American Coot KMPo
Sandhill Crane KMPe
Black-bellied Plover M (Agassiz)
American Golden-Plover M (they even landed next to some of us in the road)
Semipalmated Plover MPePo
Killdeer KMPePo
Spotted Sandpiper KMPePo
Solitary Sandpiper K (fly-by at Larry's cabin)
Greater Yellowlegs MPo
Willet M (Agassiz)
Lesser Yellowlegs KMPe
Upland Sandpiper KPo
Hudsonian Godwit MPePo
Marbled Godwit KMPo
Ruddy Turnstone MPePo
Sanderling KPe (incl an ID challenge at Lancaster's sewage ponds)
Semipalmated Sandpiper KMPo
Least Sandpiper KMPePo
White-rumped Sandpiper M (Agassiz)
Baird's Sandpiper M (Warren sewage ponds)
Dunlin MPePo
Stilt Sandpiper M (Agassiz)
Short-billed Dowitcher MPePo
Wilson's Snipe KMPePo
American Woodcock MPe (heard-only Saturday evening; brief fly-by Sunday evening)
Wilson's Phalarope KMPePo
Red-necked Phalarope KMPe (= 25 shorebird species)
Bonaparte's Gull MPe
Franklin's Gull KMPe
Ring-billed Gull KMPe
California Gull M (quite cooperative and photogenic)
Caspian Tern Po (en route to the Lazuli)
Black Tern KMPePo
Common Tern Pe (Thief River Falls sewage ponds)
Forster's Tern KMPe
Rock Pigeon KMPePo
Eurasian Collared-Dove Po (2 in Fertile)
Mourning Dove KMPePo
Great Horned Owl MPePo (incl nests & young)
Short-eared Owl MPe (2 on the Saturday evening option)
Common Nighthawk KPe
Whip-poor-will M (heard-only on Saturday evening)
Chimney Swift KMPe
Ruby-throated Hummingbird KMPePo
Belted Kingfisher KMPePo
Red-headed Woodpecker KMPo
Red-bellied Woodpecker O (at the Lazuli feeder)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker KMPePo
Downy Woodpecker KMPePo
Hairy Woodpecker KMPePo
Northern Flicker KMPe
Pileated Woodpecker KMPePo
Olive-sided Flycatcher K (Lancaster sewage ponds)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher KPo (best views near Larry's cabin)
Least Flycatcher KMPePo
Eastern Phoebe KMPo
Great Crested Flycatcher KMPo
Western Kingbird M (Warren sewage ponds)
Eastern Kingbird KMPePo
Yellow-throated Vireo KMPePo
Blue-headed Vireo Po (finally at the WP&P Audubon Center)
Warbling Vireo KMPePo
Philadelphia Vireo KMPePo
Red-eyed Vireo KMPo
Blue Jay KMPePo
Black-billed Magpie KMPePo
American Crow KMPePo
Common Raven KM
Horned Lark MPePo
Purple Martin KMPe
Tree Swallow KMPePo
Northern Rough-winged Swallow KPe
Bank Swallow KMPePo
Cliff Swallow KMPePo
Barn Swallow KMPePo
Black-capped Chickadee KMPePo
Red-breasted Nuthatch KPePo
White-breasted Nuthatch KMPe
House Wren KMPePo
Sedge Wren MPe
Marsh Wren KMPePo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet KM
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher K (Lake Bronson State Park; quite unusual this far north)
Eastern Bluebird KMPePo
Veery KMPePo
Gray-cheeked Thrush MPo
Swainson's Thrush KMPePo
American Robin KMPePo
Gray Catbird KMPePo
Brown Thrasher PePo
European Starling KMPePo
American Pipit MPe
Cedar Waxwing KMPo
Tennessee Warbler KMPePo
Orange-crowned Warbler KMPePo
Nashville Warbler KMPePo
Northern Parula K (Lake Bronson State Park)
Yellow Warbler KMPePo
Chestnut-sided Warbler KMPePo
Magnolia Warbler KMPePo
Cape May Warbler KMPePo (unusually widespread)
Yellow-rumped Warbler KMPePo
Black-throated Green Warbler KM (unusually scarce)
Blackburnian Warbler KMPePo
Palm Warbler KMPo
Bay-breasted Warbler Po (WP&P Audubon Center)
Blackpoll Warbler KMPePo
Black-and-white Warbler KMPo
American Redstart KMPePo
Ovenbird KMPePo
Northern Waterthrush KMPo
Mourning Warbler KMPo
Common Yellowthroat KMPePo
Wilson's Warbler KMPePo
Canada Warbler KMPo (= 22 warbler species)
Scarlet Tanager K (at Larry's feeders)
Chipping Sparrow KMPePo
Clay-colored Sparrow KMPePo
Vesper Sparrow KMPePo
Lark Sparrow Po (in the rain west of Fertile)
Savannah Sparrow KMPePo
Grasshopper Sparrow Po (seen by my group)
Henslow's Sparrow Pe (well, at least my photo shows the head and median crown
stripe colors)
Le Conte's Sparrow KMPePo (best views near Agassiz)
Song Sparrow KMPePo
Lincoln's Sparrow MPe
Swamp Sparrow KMPe
White-throated Sparrow KMPe
Harris's Sparrow MPo
White-crowned Sparrow MPe
Rose-breasted Grosbeak KMPePo
Indigo Bunting Pe (St Hilaire)
Lazuli Bunting O (the stake-out seen by Craig and about half the group)
Bobolink KMPePo
Red-winged Blackbird KMPePo
Western Meadowlark KMPePo
Yellow-headed Blackbird KMPePo
Brewer's Blackbird KMPePo
Common Grackle KMPePo
Brown-headed Cowbird KMPePo
Orchard Oriole KPo
Baltimore Oriole KMPePo
Purple Finch O (at the Lazuli feeder)
House Finch KMPePo
Pine Siskin KMPePo
American Goldfinch KMPePo
House Sparrow KMPePo

See the 2014 and 2009 MBW summaries
following the summary of the 2018 MBWeekend.
Also note that these NW Minnesota MBWs
were all based in Thief River Falls, as will the 2025 MBW.
Pennington-Red Lake-Kittson-Marshall MBW Summary
May 25 - 26 - 27 - 28, 2018
Given those high temperatures from the mid-80s to low 90s each day, and that the migration of passerines had mostly passed us by (e.g., we only had 14 warbler species), I'd say we did better than expected. Much of our success resuluted from our total of 23 shorebird species (just a couple shy of MBW's all-time record of 25), and that was mostly due to those rice paddies in the NE corner of Red Lake County. In all, we compiled a composite list of 181 species, which is a bit below our average of 185 or so for this NW Minnesota MBW – note that we had recorded 200 species here in 2009, our all-time record for any MBW.
Our Friday in Red Lake County (with a bit of Pennington on the side) was especially surprising since we listed no fewer than 141 species, with all but 5 of these in Red Lake. (I'm told that 143 is this county's Big Day record.) Among those shorebirds at the rice paddies were a pair of avocets, both godwits, Stilt Sandpiper, both yellowlegs, and Willet, and there was also a pair of Am. Black Ducks along with an American Bittern.
Earlier in the day we had also found a singing Wood Thrush in Red Lake Falls (good ears, Jerry), a small lek with Greater Prairie-Chickens near the large gravel pit pond in SW Red Lake Co (the only known lek in the county?), and a surprisingly visible pair of Gray Partridge after that. During lunch at Old Crossing Treaty wayside we had an unexpected Yellow-billed Cuckoo (good ears, Brad) plus our first Orchard Oriole, and in the woods by the Red Lake Falls sewage ponds there were a drumming Ruffed Grouse, Black-billed Cuckoo, and Scarlet Tanager.
Sauturday's birding was mostly within Kittson County, where the best birds were some late Snow Geese and an even later Rough-legged Hawk at the gravel pits just south of Karlstad. But en route to Kittson in Marshall Co were a displaying Sharp-tailed Grouse along Hwy 32 and a Eur. Collared-Dove in Newfolden, and some of the group took off early to see some Whimbrels found by Barb & Denny Martin that day at that Red Lake Co gravel pit pond.
Sunday was mostly spent in Marshall County, with most of our efforts at Agassiz NWR. In addition to Sharp-tailed Grouse, Black-billed Cuckoo, American Bittern, and LeConte's Sparrows, we also found a few shorebirds at the Headquarters and Tamarac pools, and a Nelson's Sparrow along the west side of Pool 8 was most cooperative and visible for my group – though not for Craig's later. At least Craig et al did better with woods birds on his route, while my group had looks at two Black Bears on ours.
And on Monday morning we relocated a "two-fer" Cinnamon Teal at the Agassiz impondment along the Marshall-Polk Co line – it was found the day before by a local birder whose photos showed she had a better look than we did. Before then we had started the day at Thief River Fall's sewage ponds where there were a Horned Grebe among several Eareds, Dunlin, both phalaropes, and both Bonaparte's and Herring gulls. And we finished the MBWeekend with a Peregrine at the Warren sewage ponds and a Least Bittern at the Radium impoundment (seen by a few in Craig's group), and simultaneous point-blank views of Virginia Rail, Sora, and Marsh Wren just off the Pembina Trail road.
Bird List
• Fri = May 25 pre-MBW, mostly in Red Lake Co
• Sat = May 26, mostly in Kittson Co
• Sun = May 27, mostly in Marshall Co
• Mon = May 28, partial species list only (Pennington, Marshall, Polk Co’s)
• no annotation = seen/heard all 3 days, May 25-26-27
Snow Goose Fri, Sat
Canada Goose
Trumpeter Swan
[swan, sp Fri; looked like a Tundra/sounded like a Trumpeter]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal Mon (Marshall/Polk)
Northern Shoveler
American Wigeon Fri, Sun
American Black Duck Fri
Northern Pintail Fri, Sun
Green-winged Teal Sat, Sun
Ring-necked Duck
Lesser Scaup
Bufflehead Sat (Pennington), Sun
Common Goldeneye Sun
Hooded Merganser
Ruddy Duck Fri (Pennington), Sun
Gray Partridge Fri
Ruffed Grouse
Sharp-tailed Grouse Sat (Marshall), Sun, Mon (Polk)
Greater Prairie-Chicken Fri
Wild Turkey
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe Fri (Pennington), Mon (Pennington)
Red-necked Grebe Sat (Pennington), Sun, Mon (Polk)
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe Sat (Pennington), Sun, Mon (Polk)
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove Sat (Marshall)
Mourning Dove
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Fri
Black-billed Cuckoo
Common Nighthawk Fri, Sat (Pennington)
Chimney Swift Fri, Sat
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Virginia Rail Sun, Mon (Pennington)
American Coot
Sandhill Crane
American Avocet Fri
American Golden-Plover Sat (Pennington)
Semipalmated Plover Fri, Sun, Mon (Pennington)
Upland Sandpiper
Whimbrel Sat (Red Lake)
Hudsonian Godwit Fri
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Stilt Sandpiper Fri
Dunlin Sun, Mon (Pennington)
Least Sandpiper Fri, Sun
White-rumped Sandpiper Sat, Sun, Mon (Marshall)
Pectoral Sandpiper Fri, Sun
Semipalmated Sandpiper Fri, Sun
Wilson’s Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper Fri (Pennington), Sun
Lesser Yellowlegs Fri, Sun, Mon (Pennington)
Willet Fri
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson’s Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope Fri, Sun, Mon (Pennington, Marshall)
Bonaparte’s Gull Sun (Pennington), Mon (Pennington)
Franklin’s Gull Fri, Sun, Mon (Pennington)
Ring-billed Gull Fri, Sat (Red Lake), Mon (Pennington)
Herring Gull Mon (Pennington)
Black Tern
Forster’s Tern Fri (Pennington), Sun
Common Loon
Double-crested Cormorant
American White Pelican Sat (Red Lake), Sun
American Bittern Fri, Sun, Mon (Marshall)
Least Bittern Mon (Marshall)
Great Blue Heron Sat, Mon (Marshall/Polk)
egret, sp Sat
Black-crowned Night-Heron Sat
Turkey Vulture
Osprey Fri, Sat
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk Sun (Pennington)
Cooper’s Hawk Fri, Sat
Broad-winged Hawk Sun
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk Sat
Barred Owl Sun
Belted Kingfisher Fri, Sun
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker Fri
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker Fri, Sat
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon Mon (Marshall)
Olive-sided Flycatcher Fri, Sun
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Alder Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Western Kingbird Fri
Eastern Kingbird
Yellow-throated Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo Sat
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven
Horned Lark Fri, Sat (Marshall)
Purple Martin Sat, Sun
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Fri
Bank Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee Fri, Sun
White-breasted Nuthatch Fri, Sat
House Wren
Sedge Wren
Marsh Wren Sat, Sun, Mon (Pennington)
Eastern Bluebird Fri, Sat
Veery Sat, Sun
Gray-cheeked Thrush Sun
Swainson’s Thrush Sun
Wood Thrush Fri
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
House Sparrow Fri, Sat
House Finch Fri, Sat
Purple Finch Fri, Sun
Pine Siskin Fri, Sat
American Goldfinch
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Lark Sparrow Fri, Sun
Savannah Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow Fri
LeConte’s Sparrow Sat, Sun, Mon (Polk, Pennington)
Nelson’s Sparrow Sun
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow Sat, Sun
White-throated Sparrow Fri, Sun
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Western Meadowlark
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Brewer’s Blackbird
Common Grackle
Ovenbird Fri, Sun
Northern Waterthrush Sat, Sun
Golden-winged Warbler Sat
Black-and-white Warbler Sat, Sun
Tennessee Warbler Fri
Nashville Warbler Fri, Sun
Mourning Warbler Fri
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Cape May Warbler Sun
Blackburnian Warbler Sat
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Scarlet Tanager Fri, Sun
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting Fri (Pennington), Sun
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